Welcome to the CCCGS blog.

The purpose of this blog is to promote the Contra Costa County Genealogical Society by announcing upcoming events and reporting on past events. In doing so, I hope it will encourage all who are interested to attend any of our events and meetings, and share in our enthusiasm of genealogical research.

November 16, 2012

Follow Friday - Up Front With NGS

The National Genealogical Society has a blog called "Up Front With NGS" that I receive via email.  Today's post is entitled "Food and Holidays -- Always a Great Combination -- How to Preserve That "Slice" of Life."  It is a great story about sisters who upon reminiscing about their mother's great cooking came up with an idea of creating a family cookbook of her recipes.  They used photos of their mother and family to accompany the wonderful dishes she always prepared.

It would be a great Christmas or Hanukkah gift to give to your family.  Just collect favorite family recipes and add photos and antidotes about the food.  Ways to "publish" could be:

  • You could do this simply by scanning them into a word processing program and printing them from your computer.  Then place in sheet protector sheets and into a binder with a nice cover.  
  • Have a copy center print out the pages and use a nice binding system.
  • Upload to a photo service place (like Costco, Shutterfly, etc) and have the book printed with a soft or hard cover.

My mother did something like this for each of her children when they married.  This was all before computers and she typed the recipes onto pretty colored paper.  Then using a store-bought photo album, added photos of each of us as children along with the recipes.  It is such a nice treasure.  Here is an example of a recipe:

Check out the NGS blog for photos of the author's recipe book.

Copyright © 2012 by Contra Costa County Genealogical Society.

November 6, 2012

General Meeting - Nov. 8, 2012 - Steve Morse

We have a wonderful treat this month.  Steve Morse will give a presentation on DNA, titled "From DNA to Genetic Genealogy: Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask."  From his speaker's website, he says:
"This talk introduces genes, chromosomes, and
DNA, and goes on to show how DNA is
inherited. That knowledge of inheritance can be
used for finding relatives you didn't know you
had, learning about your very distant ancestors
and the route they traveled, and determining if
you are a Jewish high priest (Kohan). Examples
presented include Genghis Khan's legacy, the
Thomas Jefferson affair, and the Anastasia
Come learn a little about DNA and how it might help you with your genealogy research!
LDS Church, 1360 Alberta Way, Concord, California.  Meeting begins at 7 pm.  All are welcome.  No charge.

Copyright © 2012 by Contra Costa County Genealogical Society.